When conflicting TV viewing options flare up in our home, Doug will start to mutter something about needing his “Mancave” as a retreat. Apparently, this “Cave” is front of mind lately for Doug as many of our projects are focused in “Cave” remodeling.
Doug has a few thoughts that potential Cave Dwellers will find helpful as you start to transform your basement into the perfect “Cave- space”.
- Define the main activities (2-3) for the space. ( Watching TV/Gaming, Entertainment, Exercise, Table games, Kid’s space, Storage, Bath, etc)
- Determine how existing mechanicals, electric and plumbing meet your needs. Your “Cave-plan” should be designed for access to and hiding structural elements, while making the most of existing conditions.
- Moving existing structural supports can create more open space for your “Cave -Plan”design. Professional consultation should offer you options.
- Collaborate & communicate with a trusted contractor who understands what you are trying to achieve.
Last, but not least, Doug suggests including your wife & family in the process. Not always fun- but this will make for a happier home & unlimited use of your completed “Cave”!